To write a great sales letter, a sales letter that coverts a high percentage of readers into customers, you need to make sure you concentrate on each part of the sales letter. Each part of the sales letter is equally important. The end of the sales letter is where you give the call to action.

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Writing effective online articles is a free and easy way to market an online business. However, many people find it difficult to write articles. A big part of the problem for people is actually sitting down and beginning to write an article. There are some very simple tips people can follow for how to begin

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Writing great sales copy is the one thing that can make you rich. You can write sales copy for other people or for yourself. Of course, it’s not easy to write effective sales copy. But here are 6 tips for how to write better sales copy. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your

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As I’ve said before in previous posts, it all comes down to your sales letter. If your sales letter doesn’t convert, nothing else matters. One of the biggest keys to developing an effective sales page for your product lies in stressing the benefits of your product, not its features. If you put a benefits driven

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A lot of people who have their own products they sell in a niche, also sell affiliate products in that niche as well. They may go to Clickbank or PayDotCom and find products in the same niche as theirs and promote them to earn commissions. One of the keys to affiliate marketing is to reward

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The single most important facet of your sales or marketing funnel is your sales page itself. If your sales page doesn’t convert–nothing else matters. In a screenplay or novel authors use what are called plot points to drive the story forward. There may be half a dozen major plot points with many more minor ones.

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