Backlinks, Squidoo

More Squidoo Tips, LLC.

Following on from my last post that discussed choosing the best keywords for your Squidoo lens, here are some further Squidoo tips…

Of course the most important things to add to your Squidoo lens a link to either your sales page or the sales page of the product vendor whose product you are promoting as an affiliate.

As far as I’m aware, there is no automatic tool to use to create links in Squidoo. You must use HTML to do this. Let’s suppose you want to create a lens to promote a product we will call “Product X”. The URL of the sales page is…

To insert a link into my Squidoo lens pointing to the sales page I would include the following HTML code.

<a href=””>anchor-text</a>

The “anchor-text” is the anchor text in the link. That is what shows in the text on the page where I put it.

It is important to know that Squidoo only allows you to have NINE outgoing links per lens. If you use more than that you will get a message saying that you lens will not go live because it looks like spam-bait and you must remove some links to be able to publish it.

One final tip for today. Plan your lens carefully. I do not recommend changing your title or any of the content of your lens once you publish it. You can add more text modules to it, but I wouldn’t make any changes to any of the modules you have.

It may affect your Google rankings and I have had a few instances where Squidoo has given me the “spam-bait” message above when I’ve tried to make changes to text I’ve already published.

If you’d like more information about profiting from Squidoo then the best guide I’ve found is Lucia de Syracus’s Ultimate Squidoo.

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Backlinks, Niche Research, Squidoo

How to Create the Most Effective Squidoo Lens

Before you actually decide on your Squidoo lens title and URL you will want to do a little research into the main keyword phrase you want to target for your lens. By this I mean–what is likely the most common keyword phrase people would use to find your page through Google?

You probably have an idea for what this keyword phrase would be already. If you have your own ebook you might use the name of your ebook. However, unless tons of people have heard about your ebook you probably won’t get many people searching for it on Google. You might want to choose a phrase related to the topic of your ebook instead (if that’s what you want to promote).

One good way to do keyword research for your main search term is to go to Google’s External Keyword Tool. You can use this for free. You simply enter a keyword phrase and Google will give you the number of searches for that term done each month. Google will also give you many dozens, perhaps hundreds of suggestions for keywords related to yours.

Doing this is important because you want to target a keyword phrase that will get you sufficient Google traffic to your lens from organic search listings.

How many searches a month do you need to make your lens profitable? There is not definitive answer. Myself, I like to target keyword phrases that get a couple thousand searches a month. However, the product price, profit margin (commission rate), up-sells, and OTO’s will affect your bottom line.

In my next post we will look at important things to add to your lens–and, important things to do to keep visitors on your lens as long as possible.

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