Niche Research

One of the Secrets To Internet Marketing Success

One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make in online marketing has to do with RESEARCH!

Too many people begin developing web pages, setting up niche blogs, or creating ebooks or videos without doing proper research.

Research begins with:

* identifying a possible niche

* looking at monthly traffic for keywords in that niche

* looking at what your competitors are doing

In other words, what you shouldn’t do is create a product and then try to find a market for it. Instead you should do your research, find a hungry market with money to spend, find out exactly what they want ….. and then create the product to sell to them!

A great tool to start with is Google’s External Keyword Tool. It can give you numbers on how many searches are done monthly for various keywords.

It can also give you indications of how much competition there is for the keywords you are targeting.

Whether you are creating a new product, or doing article marketing, video marketing, setting up pre-sell or landing pages–keyword research is vital to your success.

Find out what keywords are getting all of the traffic and position your offers right in front of that traffic. That’s the real key to success.

Without doing your research first, you are throwing darts at a moving target in the dark.

I’ll be covering lots of other ways to do your research in my IM Shortcut email newsletter.

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Article Marketing

Article Marketing – Connecting with your Reader

Chris Knight, CEO at eZineArticles, put up a short post on FaceBook recently in which he said (and I’m paraphrasing), that you should write for one, not many. In other words, even though you want to get hundreds of reads for your articles, you should write as if you were talking one-on-one with the reader.

This makes good sense. A good article connects with the reader. You want the reader to feel as if they were talking to you from across the table, not preaching to them from a pulpit. Keeping it personal can be done by asking rhetorical type questions of the reader.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is getting individual readers to click on your resource box to go to your site. Even though you want a lot of readers to do this, the best way to accomplish this is to try to make a personal connection with each reader of your article. Build relationships with your readers one at a time and soon you’ll have established quality relationships with the masses.

There are basically two approaches to using articles to get traffic to your sites or opt-in pages. One school of thought is to simply blast the article directories with hundreds and hundreds of rather general articles in your niche and hope that some of them get lots of reads and clicks in the author resource box to get traffic to a site.

This “brute-force” method can work, but it takes a lot of articles and time to write them. The other way is to do a little research and fine tune your articles for specific searches. Using this approach you should decide on the keyword phrase your article is targeting. Make sure that phrase is in your title.

Make sure you use that phrase in your article a few times as well. eZineArticles may reject your article if you have phrases in excess of a 1% keyword density. This means that in a 400 word article you should keep your keyword phrase use to no more than four times. If you have studied latent semantic indexing, including semantically related terms to your keywords may help your article show better in Google listings.

My opinion is that it is easier to write fewer articles, but articles laser targeted to specific keywords you think people would be searching for online.

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Joint Ventures, Miscellaneous

Getting Sales of your New Ebook off to a Flying Start

Almost every newbie affiliate marketer dreams of one day creating their own ebook and making a killing online with it. You may not believe me, but the easiest part of the entire project is actually the creation of the ebook. Sure, you may spend months in developing it, but once you’re done the really hard part comes in.

What most beginners fail to invest time in is promoting it. Of course you may do some article marketing, social bookmarking, video marketing and so on–but that’s not the big part.

The single biggest factor in getting your ebook flying off the ‘shelves’ in the first few weeks after it is released is the product launch. The biggest sellers online depend on finding super-affiliates (the individuals in their niche with huge mailings lists) to promote their product during its launch by sending out promotional emails with affiliate links to their lists.

There are a number of ways to find these super-affiliates, and to convince them to mail for you, but your primary consideration in launching your product MUST be in finding a fair number of these gurus to promote for you.

You want to find affiliates with big lists to in your niche to promote for you during your launch. eZineArtilcle authors with many articles in your niche are good candidates. Affiliates with listings showing in Google for your main keywords are as well. AdWords advertisers for your keywords will have lists as too.

Even just of few of these big guys doing a substantial mailing can create a huge amount of traffic to your sales page. Keep that in mind and begin bringing some key players on board several month prior to your launch date.

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